Initial Submission for Review

Authors are invited to submit full papers of no more than SIX(6) pages including results, figures and references in standard IEEE double-column format.

Authors must STRICTLY follow the templates provided. We suggest that authors copy and paste the content into the given templates. Papers should not contain any header or footer.

Manuscript template can be downloaded from Word Template.

Papers will be accepted only by electronic submission through the EDAS system.

Submission (EDAS) link: SUBMIT PAPER

Instructions for Authors

Upon paper acceptance, authors may start preparing for the final manuscript submission. Below is a simple checklist and guideline for reference:

A. Revise Your Paper 

  1. Incorporate Reviewer Feedback: Make sure to address all suggestions and corrections from the reviewers.
  2. Paper Length: Your final paper should be between 4 to 6 pages (A4 size), including figures, tables, and references.
  3. Use the Provided Template: Use the given template in Word. Do not use any other template, as this may lead to your paper being excluded from IEEE Xplore.
  4. Over-Length Papers: If your paper exceeds 6 pages, you can include up to 2 additional pages by paying an extra fee of USD 30 per page.
  5. Remove Copyright Footer: Before converting your paper to PDF, remove the copyright footer that looks like this: “XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/$XX.00 ©️20XX IEEE”.
  6. Format Compliance: Papers that do not meet the format requirements will be rejected.

B. Creating your PDF eXpress Account (Opens: 1-Aug-2025)

  1. Log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress site.
  2. First Time users must create an account with Conference ID : 66693X
  3. Login to your account.
  4. Click on “Create New Title” and Enter “Enter Title Info:” and Upload the File.
  5. Once Certified/converted download the file and upload in EDAS at Final Manuscript / Camera Ready Submission.

C. IEEE Electronic Copyright Transfer Form

  • Please complete the IEEE Electronic Copyright Transfer Form (eCF) in EDAS.

D. Registration & Payment

  • Participants are required to complete their registration and payment to confirm their participation in ICEIDT 2025. Detailed information on registration fees, payment methods, and deadlines can be found here

E. Upload Camera Ready Paper

  • The camera ready paper must be uploaded only through EDAS.
  • Please take note that only the registered and presented papers will be considered for inclusion in IEEE eXplore.

F. Presentation

  1. Update Presenter Information: In EDAS, specify which author will be attending and presenting the paper.
  2. Correct Presenter Name: Ensure the presenter’s name is accurate, as it will be used for the certificate of attendance or presentation.
  3. Presenter Biography: Add a short biography of the presenter in their EDAS profile.
  4. Upload Presentation Slides: Prepare your presentation slides and upload them to EDAS.
  5. Presentation Time: Each presenter will have 10-15 minutes for their presentation, followed by 5 minutes for Q&A.
  6. Report to Assigned Room:
    • In-Person Presenters
      • On the day of your presentation, please arrive at your assigned room at least 10-15 minutes before the session starts. Ensure that your presentation materials are ready and check in with the session chair for any final instructions.
    • Virtual Presenters
      • Virtual presenters should log in to the online session 10-15 minutes before the scheduled time. Test your audio, video, and screen-sharing settings in advance to avoid technical issues. Stay online throughout the session to participate in discussions and Q&A.

All accepted and registered paper authors are required to attend and present their work. Failure to attend and present your paper without prior notice may result in the paper being excluded from the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library and indexed by Scopus. If you are unable to attend, please inform the conference organizers at least one week in advance to discuss possible alternatives.